April 12, 2024

PERA To Go Live With Initial Modules Later This Fall

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — As the new Purdue Excellence in Research Administration (PERA) system is slated to begin its rollout later this fall, the Office of Research will provide monthly updates to inform the research community about the anticipated impacts.  

PERA is Purdue’s name for the Huron Research Suite, a next-generation system that automates processes required to apply for research grants, manage research awards and apply to regulatory committees that oversee research with human subjects, vertebrate animals, biohazards and other compliance matters. 

The PERA system is being implemented to make the administration of research grants and contracts more streamlined and efficient. It is an integrated software platform that simplifies multiple grant- and regulatory-related processes and will replace several disparate systems. 

PERA will benefit faculty members or researchers by providing the ability to: 

  • log in to one system to access their proposals, awards and regulatory activities such as IACUC, Export Control, IRB and conflict of commitment (reportable outside activity/conflict of interest). 
  • experience increased transparency on where their work is in the review, submission and approval process. 
  • receive notifications from administrators with direct links to the system to complete activities. 
  • complete in-system approvals for multiple activities. 

PERA will benefit research administrators by providing: 

  • access to items in one system that currently exist across multiple systems (Coeus, Perceptive Content, etc.). 
  • real-time status available within the system and access to system-generated notifications. 
  • automation of processes that are currently paper-based (IBC and Export Control). 
  • direct entry of award budget allocations into PERA which are currently managed via Excel spreadsheet. 

Visit the PERA website to see more information, a project timeline and view frequently asked questions about the system, or you can submit your own questions to peracomms@purdue.edu.