Committee Review

Once a protocol has been moved through Pre-Review and proposed for DMR, all committee members will be notified.

Grace Period
During the Grace Period, an IACUC committee member can view the protocol, add comments, and recommend the protocol to committee review.
You may review the protocol at any time after it has been put into designated review.
Designated Reviewer Assignment
If a committee member is assigned as a designated reviewer, they will receive an email notification.

Once in the protocol, members assigned to DMR will have the options shown at left.

Review Protocol

Use Review Protocol to make reviewer notes on the protocol SmartForms. Within the protocol, click the icon next to the question to add a comment.

Comments can require a response if needed.
Only require a response here if you want the PI (or other protocol personnel) to respond specifically to your comment in this box versus just modifying something in the SmartForm itself.

Each section can also be checked as “has been reviewed” which will highlight the section in green. After any necessary review comments have been made, reviewer can submit their DMR.

After any necessary review comments have been made, reviewer can submit their DMR.
Submit Designated Review

They can choose approved or modifications required. If approved, they must fill in an approval date (this means the date the reviewer is approving the submission, not what will eventually be the approval date of the protocol). If modifications are required, they MUST fill in Question 3. You may give a full breakdown of the modifications required, but if you provided details within the protocol, you may also just enter “see protocol notes.” IACUC administrative staff recommend you just type in “see protocol notes” for Question 3 above.
Other committee members not assigned to the DMR will have the availability to review the protocol but will not receive any notifications via email or in their PERA dashboard. Be sure to check the ‘All Submissions’ section frequently for new submissions.
Within the protocol, reviewers can compare versions to see any changes the PI may have made.

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