Grant/IACUC Congruency End-to-End
Funding Proposal Compliance Review question #2 is answered YES.

The Award Setup Team sends ancillary review to IACUC Organization.

IACUC Review org members will receive ancillary review.

IACUC will view award attachments to confirm congruency. The documents needed for grant-to-protocol review may include the Statement of Work, the Submission Package, and the Proposal Worksheet.
The reviewer will compare these documents to the IACUC protocol to ensure that all work to be done on the award involving vertebrate animals has been approved in the IACUC protocol related to the award.
If the award is not in congruence with the IACUC protocol, the reviewer will indicate the areas of incongruence in the comments box. The reviewer will send an email to the PI about the areas of incongruency.

IACUC will complete IACUC Grant Congruency Review activity.

This activity will then be viewable for Business Office members to confirm ordering of animals- Please refer to the Grant Congruency Infographic for the Business Office.
IACUC will then complete the ancillary review.

IACUC will attach any email correspondence to the PI to the Protocol record by adding a comment to the record.

If a review is requested on any child records (mods, subawards, etc), the IACUC Congruency Review will need to be completed on the parent record. Congruency review comments should signal that the review is for a child record. This will allow the complete history of all reviews related to the award to be in one place.
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