User Roles & Permissions

Grant User roles video screen shot

The system user roles configured for PERA are defined in the table below. If your assigned role does not give you access necessary to perform daily business, contact

System User RolesModuleEmployee RoleSystem Responsibility
Registered UserAllAll RolesCan sign into system, be added to a proposal, create and submit agreements and amendments, and submit ancillary reviews within agreements.
Study StaffAllFaculty, assigned GradsWithin Grants: Create, edit and withdraw a proposal, create and update SF424, submit Just in Time (JIT) to sponsor. Within Agreements: Be selected as a PI on an agreement which allows editing that agreement before submission, submit, create an amendment, and manage ancillary reviews.
Specialist Finance/GrantGrantsPre-Award, Post-AwardCreate, approve, view, and submit proposals
SF424 Grant SpecialistGrantsPre-AwardSubmit SF424, re-open SF424 to edit
Contract SpecialistGrants- AwardsPost-Award, ContractingCreate and edit subaward smartform and activate a subaward
Department Reviewer/ ChairGrants- Funding ProposalsDepartment Heads, Business OfficeProposal approval, request changes to proposal, and add comment to PI
Award ApproverGrants- AwardsPost AwardRequest changes to an award during review, activate an award, and request modification to an active award
Global Grants ViewerGrantsSponsored Program Services (SPS), Business Office (BO)View all proposals
Agreements ReviewerAgreementsContracting, ComplianceView all agreements, create and submit agreements/amendments, generate agreement document, approve agreement language, activate agreement, request clarification, revise agreement document, finalize agreement, and terminate agreement
Global Agreements ViewerAgreementsSPS, BOView all agreements
Contract ManagerAllERA TeamMaintain People Files
Content ManagerAllERA TeamMaintain Help Text and notifications
IT SupportAllPurdue ITConfigure site and background ops
Reports ManagerAllSPS Data/BIManages custom searches/advanced reports
Grants Data ManagerGrantsERA TeamAdding and updating data (dropdowns)
Agreements Data ManagerAgreementsERA TeamAdding and updating data (dropdowns)
Grants Settings ManagerGrantsERA TeamManage settings including department reviewers
Agreements Settings ManagerAgreementsERA TeamManage settings
Grants Administrative EditorsGrantsSPS All, BOView and edit all proposals within a specific organization
Agreements Administrative EditorsAgreementsSPS All, BOView and edit all agreements within a specific organization
Proposal/Award Team-EditorsGrantsCo-PIView and edit assigned proposals and awards
Proposal/Award Team- Read-onlyGrantsBOView assigned proposals and awards
Grant Ancillary ReviewersGrantsDepartment Heads, BOView and approve ancillary reviews
Agreements Ancillary ReviewersAgreementsDepartment Heads, BOView and approve ancillary reviews

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