Create/Complete an Award Modification Request (AMR)
- Locate the Award
- Request Award Modification
- Submit to Specialist
- To Approve
- To Decline
- Request Clarifications
- Submit Clarifications
Step 1: Locate the Award in PERA
Navigate to the Grants Module and select Awards. Search for the award based on any of the criteria in the dropdown. Select the Award once located.
Step 2: Request Award Modification
Click on Request Award Modification from the dashboard.
- Add a title for the award change request. Be specific in the name in order to identify what the change of request is for (e.g. no cost extension, re-budget, etc.). This specific title will help identify the intent of the request for Post Award to review and process. For example: 1st No Cost Extension or Re-budget.
- The date will automatically default to the date that the request is being processed.
- Include the justification of your request. Justification for all approval types identified in #6 – “Approval Type” should be explained here.
4. Click on +Add to include any supporting documentation needed.
If this is for an external prior approval, it is still required that the external prior approval process be followed including using a letter with Purdue letterhead and uploaded here. Please see the current instructions for External Requests – Instructions_for_External_Prior_Approval_Request_Template-sc.doc (
5. The Specialist will automatically default to the specialist on the award.
This specialist can be at any time a Setup Administrator or the Account Management Administrator. The Account Management Administrator would be the one to review this request. If the Specialist on the award is not the AMA assigned to this project, the specialist can be changed by SPS to route to the AMA for handling. Please select “Assign Specialist” under the AMR and select the AMA.
6. Select which approval type is required.
This is a multi-selection field. Please select all types that apply. Justification for all approval types should be included in question #3 – “Full description of requested changes.”
Only when selecting No-Cost Extension
- Input the newly requested end date.
7. Click Finish when done.
Step 3: Submit to Specialist
You MUST remember to Submit to Specialist otherwise it will live on your dashboard and will not go anywhere.
- Click on Submit to Specialist on your dashboard.
- Add Comments as needed.
- Click on +Add to include any supporting documentation needed.
- Once finished, click OK.
By clicking submit, the Business Office is confirming that all Department Approvals have been obtained. The approvals do not need to be attached in the AMR for Post Award to review, unless it is an external prior approval that the sponsor requires a letter on Purdue letterhead for review of the request. The letter (for external letters) should be attached in question #4 support documents and include signatures of the appropriate Department Approvers.
A confirmation email will be sent to the Specialist at this time to review the request. It will also appear in their Dashboard.
Specialist Only: Role and View
Click on View Modification Request. Review Request Details in the new popup window.
If sponsor approval is required, the Specialist, Account Management Administrator (AMA) in Post Award, will work with the sponsor for approvals.
- Click Log Comment.
- Add Comments of action being taken on the prior approval. Examples are- NCE request sent to sponsor for review/approval OR travel pre-approval sent to sponsor for review/approval.
- Click on +Add to include any supporting documentation needed. Supporting documentation examples are submission to the sponsor- via website or email submission.
- Once finished, click OK.
The comment and documentation will appear in the Specialist’s Dashboard until a decision has been made. This should be treated as your negotiation record. Any communication to any party (internal or external) should be added via the log comment activity.
If the sponsor turns the prior approval into an amendment that requires signature, the AMA will complete the following steps to capture in the Agreements Module.
- Go to the Award Workspace and select the Related Projects tab. Review to see if there is an existing SRA agreement.
- If there is not an existing SRA in the Related Projects tab, the AMA will need to select the “Create Agreement” activity on the Award workspace.
Go through the process of creating a Sponsored Research Agreement (SRA) and reference the Intake of an Award Process Guide.
b. If there is an existing SRA in the Related projects, select the SRA and go to the Agreements Workspace.
To Approve:
- If you are satisfied with the modification request, click Approve.
- Add Comment so that the Business Office and submitter know what is occurring. Example verbiage could be Sponsor approved no cost extension through 5/30/2025. Award Modification will be processed by Setup shortly.
- Click on +Add to include any supporting documentation needed.
- Once finished, click OK.
To Decline:
- If the modification request is unacceptable, click Decline.
- Add Comment so that the Business Office and submitter know what is occurring and a justification of the decline. No further activity is possible except for logging comments and copying the request as a basis for a new request.
- Click on +Add to include any supporting documentation needed.
- Once finished, click OK.
To Request Clarifications:
- If you need more information, click Request Clarifications.
- Add Comment so that the Business Office and submitter knows what needs to be clarified.
- Click on +Add to include any supporting documentation needed.
- Once finished, click OK.
The modification request enters the Clarification Requested state and appears in the submitter’s Dashboard as well as an email would be sent to the submitter stating that clarification has been requested. The submitter can then provide the requested information and return the modification request to the Review State.
To Submit Clarifications:
- Click Submit Clarifications.
- Add Comment to clarify changes.
- Click on +Add to include any supporting documentation needed.
- Once finished, click OK.
This will change the status from Clarification Requested to a Review state.
At this point, the Specialist can review changes and then approve, decline, or request clarification. Once the request is approved, the assigned specialist will send an email to the setup manager advising of the approved request.
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