Create Award Modification


The specialist will select Create Award Modification.

You will need to reassign the specialist to yourself so the modification will show on your dashboard.  Select Assign Specialist and select the Setup Administrator processing this modification so it will appear in that administrator’s dashboard.

Award Modifications

The name automatically defaults to show the modification number.

Include the specific type of request (NCE, rebudget, Incrs, including amount funded).

The description should provide the details of the modification.

The Sponsor’s Modification ID will auto-populate.

Always select NGA Revised for question #4.

Select all demographic changes.

If there are any subs on the award, the AMA will confirm with the Award Modification request if the subs are also receiving any additional time and communicate with the approval email to the setup team. If applicable, the assigned specialist will send an ancillary review to the subaward team with response required marked as ‘NO.’

Enter the Effective Date.

Select Continue to proceed to Related Items.

Select the new awarded funding proposal, if applicable.

Select Continue to proceed to Financial Setup.

Financial Setup

Edit fields as applicable to the type of mod being processed. For example, for an NCE, the end date of any applicable financial accounts would need updated to the new end date.

Select Continue to proceed to Personnel.


Update current personnel on the Award or click +Add to add any other personnel as needed.

Click Continue to proceed to Effort.


You can edit the effort details for a person as needed.

Select Continue to proceed to Sponsor changes.

Update any fields as needed.

Select Continue to proceed to Award Date Changes.

Award Date Changes

Update as applicable.

Select Continue to proceed to Terms and Conditions.

Terms and Conditions

Update any Terms and Conditions as applicable per the sponsor modification being processed.

Select Continue to proceed to Compliance Review.

Compliance Review

The form will default completed from the parent award. If an additional proposal was selected for the modification and there are required questions that have not been completed, an ancillary review will need to be sent to the PI to complete.

Once Completed Select Save and Finish.

Submit the modification for final review to the award approver. 

***For Consortium payments, the finance team will email the setup exchange mail and bcc email catcher to upload the invoice documentation for setup to create the award modification to increase the applicable award.***

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