PDD – Disclosure of Research Related Financial Interests
This is an interim process until FOCI goes live in PERA. Information will be updated once it is available.
This Proposal Driven Disclosure web-based application has been designed to streamline data collection and management of Financial Interest Statements (FIS) related to research proposals submitted to external sponsors. This web-based application will be used until the COI Module Go-Live in PERA.

Identifying Personnel for PDD Data Upload
The Purdue PI will use the Funding Proposal SmartForm to identify all Investigators (i.e., persons responsible for the design, conduct, and/or reporting of research) for the project, both internal (Purdue employees and students/trainees) and external Investigators.
Proposal, sponsor and Investigator information is then uploaded to Purdue’s Financial Interest Disclosure and Management system. Individual “Action Required” emails are generated and sent to add identified Investigators.
Internal Personnel
On the Funding Proposal Personnel page, each Internal named person must be identified as an investigator for FCOI disclosure purposes.

Select update next to each Internal named person.

Determine if the PDD is required for this person. If unsure, use resources in the PERA Interim PDD Process.
Investigator: “Investigator” is defined as “A project director, a principal investigator of a research project and any other person, regardless of title or position, who has responsibility for the design, conduct or reporting of research or project results at or involving Purdue, including Employees, subgrantees, contractors, subcontractors, collaborators and consultants. In general, any individual specifically named in a proposal and any individual identified in a report to the project sponsor or scholarly publication who is responsible for the design, conduct or reporting of research or project results is an Investigator for the purposes of this policy.”
External Personnel On the Funding Proposal Personnel page, for each external named person determine they should be identified as an investigator for FCOI disclosure purposes. If they are personnel on a subawardee, determine if their institution has a compliant FCOI policy.

Select Update next to each external named person.

Determine if the PDD is required for this person. If unsure, use resources in the PERA Interim PDD Process.
Email for all external named personnel must be included.
Verify that all personnel needing to complete the PDD are correctly entered.
Initiate PDD Data Upload
After entering all personnel on a Funding Proposal, the appropriate data can be extracted from the FP and uploaded in the PDD. All internal and external personnel with Yes selected for FCOI disclosure on their personnel information page will be included.

Select Central Office Data from the activity list.

PDD (COI Needed): Check “Yes” when ready for information to be transferred to the PDD. PI’s will be notified via email to complete FCOI. If no SIF disclosure is needed for this proposal, select “No”.
Any additional personnel added after the initial upload will need to be added manually.
Pre-Award will continue to monitor disclosure completion in the PDD.
For additional instruction, review the PERA Interim PDD Process.
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