Post Award Actions with a Funding Proposal

Just-in-time Requests and Responses

There are several activities that can be initiated and completed from the Funding Proposal Workspace related to Just-in-Time.

JIT Received, JIT Changes Required and Submit JIT Response Activities should only be used by SPS Post-Award. If a request for JIT is received, forward via email to

Notification for this Activity will be sent via email to the PI, Assigned Specialist and SPS Launch Team dependent on Activity selected.

Notice to Proceed

A Notice to Proceed request will be initiated from the Funding Proposal Workspace. Notice to Proceed Request should only be completed by the Business Office with a system generated email to Post-Award.
Notification for this Activity will be sent via email to the SPS Setup Team.

Receiving Awards or Agreements

Post-Award will initiate and complete the Award process from the Funding Proposal Workspace.

There are several Activities that may be used to accomplish this. Funding Anticipated, Award Letter Received, Create Agreement and Create Funding Award Activities should only be used by SPS Post-Award. If an award or agreement is received, forward via email to

Notification for this Activity will be sent via email to the SPS Setup Team.

Activities Not In Use at Purdue

Purdue has identified several activities that will not be used.

Export Budget from Workspace
The Export Budget Activity can be used from the Funding Proposal Workspace. This downloaded excel file is NOT compatible with the Pre-Award budget template. Export Budget should be done from within each budget version.

Update Research Plan
This Activity provides a form that can be used to upload the more common R&R documents. It is not connected to S2S. it has been recommended that this not be used. Manage all documents within the SF424.

Update SF424 Research Plan
This Activity provides a form that can be used to upload forms to the SF424. It will connect to the SF424 but the Create/Update Activity must be completed each time. It has been recommended that this not be used as each update to the SF424 will override other fields. Manage all documents within the SF424.

Manage Tags
Manage Tags is not currently in use at Purdue. Information entered here is not reportable or searchable.

Update Pre-Award Personnel
Updates to PI and Co-PI can be made for Funding Proposals that have been submitted to the sponsor prior to Award. Only Post-Award may use this Activity.

Send Grant Status Update
A PI may send updates related to the Funding Proposal such as Not Funded, Withdraw, Award Anticipated, etc. Post-Award will not be using this Activity. If a PI completes the Send Grant Status Update, a notification is sent to Post-Award and the State will be updated to Proposal Status Confirmation.

Notification for this Activity will be sent via email to the Admin Contact, Assigned Specialist and SPS Launch Team.

Return to Pending Sponsor Review
If a PI has completed a Send Grant Status Update Activity and the State needs to return to Pending Sponsor Review, Post-Award will use this Activity.

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