Withdraw or Not Fund a Submitted Proposal

A proposal that has been submitted to the sponsor can be withdrawn or not funded. This action can only be initiated by a Grant Specialist for a proposal in Pending Sponsor Review, Pending Sponsor Review Award Anticipated or Proposal Status Confirmation.
Withdraw or Not Funded notifications are usually received via email.
PERA allows a PI to send a Proposal Status Confirmation by selecting Send Grants Status Update from the Funding Proposal Workspace Activity list. A notification is sent to the assigned Specialist for further action.

Withdraw Submitted or Not Funded (Specialist Only)

Select Withdraw Submitted or Not Funded Proposal from the Funding Proposal Workspace Activity list.

Select the Reason for withdrawal or not funding and provide detailed comments related to this action. Comments should include the source of information and date.
Selecting PI Leaving Institution, Opportunity Closed, Withdrawn From Sponsor and Other will update the Funding Proposal to the Withdrawn From Sponsor State.

The Workflow status will advance to Complete. The proposal can be found under the Funding Proposal > Proposals tab.
Not Funded
Selecting Not Funded will update the Funding Proposal to the Not Funded State.

The Workflow status will advance to Complete. The proposal can be found under the Funding Proposal > Proposals tab or Complete tab.

Reinstate a Not Funded Proposal
A proposal that has been Not Funded can be Reinstated. This action can only be initiated by a Grant Specialist for a proposal in the Not Funded state.
Not Funded Funding Proposal with a follow-on proposal is progress, cannot be reinstated.
Reinstate Proposal

Select Reinstate Proposal from the Funding Proposal Workspace Activity list.
The Activity will run and the Funding Proposal will be returned to the Pending Sponsor Review state.
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