Withdraw a Proposal

This activity is for proposals that have not been submitted. Withdrawn proposals will change to the “Not Submitted” state and be found under the Completed tab. A Funding Proposal cannot be deleted from the system but they can be withdrawn. Withdraw can be initiated by the PI or Specialist.
If any of the activities are not showing on the Activities list, make sure to assign yourself as a Specialist.
ONLY Proposals in “Draft, Department Review or Specialist Review” state may be withdrawn.
If a proposal is in any other state, it will be marked as “Not Funded”. See Not Funded Instructions. From the Grants > Funding Proposal tab, select the Funding Proposal to be Withdrawn.

Step 1: Select Withdraw Proposal from the Activity list on the left side of the screen.

Provide a reason for withdrawal including the date of the activity.
Step 2: Click OK. The funding proposal state will be updated to “Not Submitted”.

Withdrawn proposals can be located by accessing the Grants tab, then selecting the Proposals tab and sorting by the “State” column.
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