Data Transfer and Use Agreements
If your data request will be handled by Office of Legal Counsel, do not submit a request in PERA. Submit your request directly to the Office of Legal Counsel using their New Matter Intake Form.
Data Transfer and Use Request Form
Upload the form below as your supporting documentation in PERA.
Select the image to view a larger version
Data Transfer and Use Agreement Procedure
Process Overview
This guide shows how to create and process a Data Transfer and Use Agreement (DTUA) for staff.
It is the faculty’s responsibility to create a DTUA requests via PERA for DTUAs handled by Sponsored Program Services. Students cannot send DTUAs to SPS. If Purdue is receiving data, obtain an agreement from the data provider before creating a DTUA request in PERA.
For more information visit the following link. Data Transfer and Use Agreements – Sponsored Program Services – Purdue University
If your data request will be handled by Office of Legal Counsel, do not submit a request in PERA. Submit your request directly to the Office of Legal Counsel using their New Matter Intake Form.
To begin a Data Transfer and Use Agreement
After you have completed the How to Create an Agreement Request guide. On the Agreement upload page, upload a completed Data Transfer and Use Agreement Information Sheet. Purdue contracting will request that you complete a Data Transfer and Use Agreement Information Sheet, if one was not already submitted*. You will receive this request via a PERA system generated email. The email will indicate Action Required for an ancillary review. Complete the information sheet and email it back to via Outlook. You don’t need to complete the ancillary review review in PERA.
*Unlike other agreement types, the Data Transfer and Use Agreement smart forms will be mainly completed outside of PERA. To expedite your request, please complete the DTUA information sheet and submit it as supporting documentation on the Agreement Upload page in PERA.
Please note that it may take several rounds of email clarification with SPS contracting before the negotiation of the agreement can begin with the data provider or recipient.
How to check the status of a Data Transfer and Use Agreement
To find the status of a DTUA in the agreement module, look up negotiations in process under the In Progress Tab.
Select the DTUA you want information on. The workflow map provides a high-level overview of the status. The history tab will provide a detailed log of activities associated with the negotiation. If you need more information than is presently available in the history tab, reach out directly to the owner identified in the upper left corner of the page.
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