Create a New Funding Proposal
If you’re a PI, study staff member, or a grants specialist, you can create funding proposals in the system. This topic shows how to create a single project proposal and check it for errors and omissions. The information collected in the Proposal SmartForm will be used to complete the SF424 forms.
Select an item below or scroll down to view the information.
An up arrow will appear in the lower right corner of your screen. Selecting this arrow will return you to this menu.
Select the image for a larger view.
General Proposal Information Page
If you are starting a Resubmission, Continuation, or Revision, follow the instructions below.
Resubmission: An application the Sponsor reviewed and declined to fund, which the investigator has modified and is resubmitting for consideration.
Initiated by locating the original FP with a “Not Funded” state in the Completed tab of the Grants – Funding Proposal module. If the original FP is still marked Pending Sponsor Review, contact Pre-award and request that it be marked “Not Funded”.
Renewal: A competitive application for a new project with a scope based on or related to a current project which is expiring.
Initiated by locating the original awarded FP, opening the FP and clicking “Create Renewal” from the Activities list
Revision (Supplement): An application requesting additional funding for an active award.
Initiated by locating the original awarded FP, opening the FP and clicking “Create Revision” from the activities list.
Continuation: A non-competitive application or progress report for a current project. Only available for eligible projects.
Initiated by locating the Award and clicking Create Continuation from the Activities list.
To Create a New Funding Proposal
- Go to the Dashboard.
- Click the Create menu.
- Click into the Grants tab.
- Select Create Funding Proposal.
System will automatically populate no for the award being transferred from another institution.
The application type shown here is determined by the action that initiated creation of the proposal.
- New: An application being submitted for the first time
- Initiated by selecting Create/Grants/Create Funding Proposal from the Dashboard.
Resubmission, Renewal, Revision (Supplement), Continuation
If the type of application shown here is incorrect, contact Pre-Award for assistance.
The short title identifies the project throughout the Grants module, such as in project listing and workspaces. To avoid confusion, use unique titles. Include PI Last Name, Sponsor Acronym, and project key words or partial title separated with spaces. (50 character limit)
For example: Smith NIH R01 Synthetic Samples or Jones NSF REU Site
Preliminary/Pre-Proposals/LOI/White Papers/Etc. should include “Prelim” at the beginning of the Short Title.
Internal proposals should include the word “Internal” at the beginning of the Short Title.
Draft Budgets should include the word “Draft” at the beginning of the Short Title.
Enter the full title. This will be the title submitted to the sponsor. If this will be an SF-424 application, the long title will be mapped to the appropriate blanks in the SF-424 forms. (255 character maximum length)
Enter the name of the Principal Investigator for this proposal. If this is a Graduate Student Fellowship, enter the student’s name.
A direct sponsor disburses funds directly to your institution. If this application is for a subaward, the awardee funding your organization is the direct sponsor and the agency funding the awardee is the prime sponsor. Specify a prime sponsor only if this is a subaward.
If you do not find the sponsor in this list, select TBD from the list and enter the name in the next line.
If sponsor is a USDA subagency (ex. NIFA, AFRI, etc.) do not select USDA as the direct sponsor. If sponsor is an NIH subagency (NHLBI, NIDA, etc.), select NIH as the direct sponsor.
This can be left blank if it is unknown at the time of submission.
SPS Only: PI may leave blank.
The instrument type will be edited before Award setup. Choose the type of award anticipated for this project. If unknown, select Grant.
Enter the date you expect the project to start.
This information will appear on our Current & Pending / Other Support report to assist with completion of these documents.
(1,500 character limit.)
This can be entered as TBD and updated closer to the time of submission.
In order to qualify for the “off campus” rate the work must be performed off campus for one full semester or a summer session and include rent or lease charges on the project.
For purposes of this requirement, off-campus or off-site research is defined as data/information/samples being collected off-campus or off-site, such as fieldwork and research activities on vessels and aircraft. Please consider if this will apply for any subrecipients involved in the project. Off-site research requires development of a Safe and Inclusive Working Environment plan PRIOR to submission of the proposal.
A collaborative submission is a proposal in which investigators from two or more organizations wish to collaborate on a unified research project. Collaborative proposals may be submitted as simultaneous submissions of proposals from different organizations, with each organization requesting a separate award.
Select Continue to proceed to Personnel.
Personnel Page
*You do not have to upload biosketch or Other Support/Current and Pending at this time. You can email or upload the biosketch in PERA at a later date.
Several fields on this page allow you to attach documents.
The primary department of the PI will autofill. This field should list the lead academic or DPD unit for this activity. The lead unit is responsible for award management.
For example, if the PI academic appointment is through Mechanical Engineering, but BIRCK will manage the award, Birck should be selected.
Only named personnel need to be listed. TBD grads, post docs, and other personnel will be added by Pre-Award in the budget Smartform.
Per Purdue Policy: Individual Financial Conflicts of Interest (III.B.2), all investigators are required to complete a Financial Interest Statement (FIS). Per agency guidelines, any proposal to Public Health Service agencies (such as NIH, DOE, PHS Agencies, and NASA) must have a FIS for each investigator completed PRIOR to proposal submission.
“Investigator” is defined as “A project director, a principal investigator of a research project and any other person, regardless of title or position, who has responsibility for the design, conduct or reporting of research or project results at or involving Purdue, including Employees, subgrantees, contractors, subcontractors, collaborators, and consultants. In general, any individual specifically named in a proposal and any individual identified in a report to the project sponsor or scholarly publication who is responsible for the design, conduct or reporting of research or project.
Personnel entered here will populate the SF424 if submitting S2S.
Select Continue to proceed to Submission Information.
Submission Information
The submission type shown here is determined by the type of Sponsor selected on the General Proposal Information page. For example, if the National Institutes of Health is selected on the General Proposal Information page, the submission type shown here will be “Federal.”
If there is a federal submission type, the system-to-system conditional question will appear in question 3.
System-to-system: System-to-system (S2S) applications are submitted directly from the PERA system to the sponsor via SF424 forms and attachments will be completed within PERA saving time and effort. S2S is available for Federal proposals that are found in Pre-Award will assist with deciding if S2S is the best option and with completing all SF424 forms.
If it is a nonfederal submission type (industry, for-profit, foundation, TBD, or local/state submission), continue on.
A direct sponsor disburses funds directly to your institution, not through any intermediary organization.
3a. * ONLY If the submission type is federal
Applicable for,, or Assist for NIH
If you are unsure, select “no” for system to system and manually type in numbers.
Using one or more of the search criteria, locate the federal opportunity for which you are applying. The information can be found in the opportunity announcement.
Package ID is the narrowest search, each succeeding criterion widens the search. Competition ID can only be used in combination with other criteria.
After entering your search criteria, click Find.
The system contacts to access matching opportunities and lists them below this question (this might take a few minutes).
Select the desired opportunity from the list.
Click Refresh Form Support to replace the currently attached forms with any supported updates.
3b. *ONLY if the submission type is non federal
4. *If non federal
Non-federal opportunity announcement title.
If the application is Federal and not being submitted S2S:
Select the Type of Funding Mechanism for an NIH proposal. This can be found within the NIH opportunity announcement.
Upload guidelines and any other relevant proposal documents. Pre-Award will ensure that all final documents are uploaded prior to proposal submission.
Select Yes if cost share is mandatory per the funding opportunity or if it will be requested as a voluntary commitment.
Many sponsors require a management or data-sharing plan. Further guidance can be found at
Purdue University Research Repository (PURR) is An online, collaborative working space and data-sharing platform to support Purdue researchers and their collaborators.
International scope is defined by:
• any portion of the project is performed overseas,
• the sponsor is located in a foreign country,
• collaboration with investigators includes overseas personnel, facilities, or ideas (including intellectual property and/or affiliation agreements with foreign universities),
• projects that bring international individuals to Purdue University,
• international travel (other than for conference presentation) is required, or
• project is matched by overseas peers applying to their own funding sources.
This includes projects across all university missions, funded with either domestic or international sources of funding, and regardless of whether Purdue is the lead institution or a subcontracting entity.
If a proposal has one or all of these criteria, mark “Yes” to International Scope and select the countries in the next question.
Select Continue to proceed to Budget Periods and Key Dates.
If system-to-system
Funding Opportunity Announcement (for S2S only)
If the application will be submitted S2S, this screen summarizes the funding opportunity selected for the proposal. Verify the correct funding opportunity has been selected.
All required forms are indicated below for system-to-system submissions.
No action is required on this page.
Budget Periods and Key Dates
Your Pre-Award specialist will create the budget for you. The information here will define the project period.
Sponsor submission date is the deadline to the sponsor who will provide funds to Purdue. If Purdue is a subaward, this is the date the lead institution needs the proposal documents from Purdue (not the prime sponsor’s deadline).
If the sponsor does not have a formal deadline date, enter a target date.
For submissions without a firm deadline or with a desired deadline prior to the sponsor deadline, the desired submission date should be used when determining proposal deadline stages with SPS Pre-Award.
Enter the expected date when a sponsor will respond to this submission. If unknown, leave blank. If a date is entered here, the PI will receive automated notification emails as this date approaches for any FP still in Pending Sponsor Review state.
Project end date is calculated based on the budget periods defined below.
Project length is calculated based on the budget periods defined below.
The effort metric selected here will determine how personnel effort is budgeted on this project. Person Month budgeting is preferred. If personnel effort needs to be on a percentage basis, return here to update.
Selecting Modular budget “yes” only affects how the budget information populates the SF424 when using S2S.
Use Update Periods button to change length of a single budget period. Use “Add Period” or “Remove Period” to increase or decrease the overall project length.
Changes here will update the project end date and project length above.
Pre-Award will prepare the budget and can update this as needed
Select Continue to proceed to Purdue Additional Information.
Purdue Additional Information
1. *For data tracking purposes only
If Yes, Select one of the listed options to describe their role.
Select Continue to proceed to Compliance Review.
Compliance Review
According to 45 CFR 46, a human subject is “a living individual about whom an investigator (whether professional or student) conducting research:
- Obtains information or biospecimens through intervention or interaction with the individual, and uses, studies, or analyzes the information or biospecimens; or
- Obtains, uses, studies, analyzes, or generates identifiable private information or identifiable biospecimens.”
Depending on the IRB review status, a list of conditional questions will pop up.
Information about vertebrate animals research at Purdue University can be found at Animal Research – Office of Research
Depending on the IACUC review status, a list of conditional questions involving protocol numbers and dates will pop up.
Information about recombinant DNA (rDNA), synthetic nucleic acids, and/or biohazardous agents utilized in research at Purdue University can be found at Biosafety and Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleiuc Acids
Depending on the IBC review status, a list of conditional questions involving approval dates and protocol numbers will pop up.
Information about hazardous materials utilized in research at Purdue University can be found at Laboratory Safety
Depending on the safety committee review status, a list of conditional questions involving approval dates and registration numbers will pop up.
Information about radioisotopes utilized in research at Purdue University can be found at Laboratory Safety.
Information about radioisotopes utilized in research at Purdue University can be found at Laboratory Safety.
In some cases, stem cell lines can be determined from your Funding Opportunity. To learn more, visit the NIH Human Embryonic Stem Cell Registry.
This question is required since the question “Will the research utilize recombinant or synthetic nucleic acids or biohazardous agents?” is answered Yes.
This question is required since the question “Will the research utilize recombinant or synthetic nucleic acids or biohazardous agents?” is answered Yes and a specific agent or toxin has been identified from the list above.
NIH Resources related to large-scale genomic data can be found at
Responses to the following 10 questions may require Export Control Review prior to submission of the proposal. Pre-award will determine if required and send for Review if necessary.
Defense articles are all items and/or data specifically designed, developed, configured, adapted, or modified for a military application.
CUI is a federal designation that is applied to sensitive information. Learn more National Archives Controlled Unclassified Information and DoD CUI Program.
Some programs may restrict individuals allowed to work on the program to U.S. citizens.
A foreign entity is any corporation, business association, partnership, trust, society or any other entity or group that is not incorporated or organized to do business in the United States, as well as international organizations, foreign governments and any agency or subdivision of foreign governments.
A foreign entity is any corporation, business association, partnership, trust, society or any other entity or group that is not incorporated or organized to do business in the United States, as well as international organizations, foreign governments and any agency or subdivision of foreign governments.
A foreign entity is any corporation, business association, partnership, trust, society or any other entity or group that is not incorporated or organized to do business in the United States, as well as international organizations, foreign governments and any agency or subdivision of foreign governments.
View information related to foreign government talent recruitment programs.
View additional details on section 889. See also FAR Part 52, which includes a definition of covered telecommunications equipment or services under 52-204-25.
Resource listing of excluded entities: Exclusions
For research and testing projects sponsored by employee owned companies, the University/Office of Research is required to complete a “full costing review” to ensure that such companies do not have a real or perceived competitive advantage when contracting with the university (e.g., as compared to other companies with no ties to Purdue).
Pre-Award will initiate an Ancillary Review FCOI Costing Review with the Office of Research. A complete Statement of Work, Budget, and Budget Justification are required for this review. The Office of Research staff will review and correspond with the PI on any questions or required changes.
Select Continue to proceed to Additional Proposal Information.
Additional Proposal Information
This will default to Purdue University and should not be changed.
The Applicant Institution populates the applicant institution field on the SF424 if submitting system to system.
Space and equipment needs should be addressed prior to submission of a proposal.
- If space is needed, discuss it with the department head.
- If equipment is needed, either budget the equipment in the proposal or discuss with the department head to ensure it is available.
If the space and/or equipment needed to perform the work is not available, provide an explanation here. Include how these needs will be met.
Any space or equipment needs requiring construction or renovation should be addressed prior to the submission of a proposal. Capital Program Management will be consulted.
Please provide the following additional information related to the required construction/renovation activities: Building, Room Number, Scope of the Renovation/Construction Activities Required, Scope of the Renovation/Construction Activities Required.
Pre-Award will develop the budget in the system and send a draft for review. Final budgets are due five business days prior to the sponsor deadline.
Select Continue to proceed to Completion Instructions.
Completion Instructions
Submit Notification to Pre-Award
To notify Pre-Award of an upcoming submission the SmartForm must be Submitted.
All SmartForm fields should be completed.
If the Principal Investigator has an assigned SPS Pre-Award Specialist, the Specialist will receive a notification email.
If no Pre-Award Specialist is assigned, the notification email will be sent to If the Principal investigator has no assigned SPS Pre-Award Specialist, the proposal will be assigned to an available Pre-Award Specialist.
Pre-Award will contact the PI to begin working on the budget and submission documents. If you are not contacted within 2 business days, email
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