Intake Process – New Awards

Signature Required

This is a shared process between Contracting and Post Award.

Contracting/ Contracting Clerk would handle the non-funded agreements. Post Award would handle all funding agreements.  Post Award will take over this during the launch phase.


Select a step or scroll down to follow the procedure step-by-step

Find Funding Proposal

Find the funding proposal in your Dashboard.  Launch does Award Letter Received activity and it sends an automatic notification to Account Setup Manager.

If there isn’t a funding proposal the Launch Team will request one to be created from Pre-Award.

Award Letter Received

Select the images for a larger view.

Setup would go into funding proposal using the link in the Award Letter Received notification.  Ensure that all information within this Award Letter Received section maps to the Funding Award. See Creating an Award Guide for more detailed information.

Once finished, click small_blue_okay_button

Create Agreement

Create an Agreement by clicking Create Agreement

Launch Team should select Sponsored Research Agreement from the Agreement Type drop-down option.  Once finished, click OK.

Once this step is completed, it will take you back to the main screen.  You can check for the added agreement by clicking on the History tab.

Click on Related Projects and find the SRA ID that was just created.

Click on Submit to start the Contracting workflow.

Setup would go into funding proposal using the link in the Award Letter Recieved notification.  See Creating an Award Guide for more detailed information.

Agreement Upload

If the agreement document has already been drafted, you can attach it to the Agreements SmartForm by clicking the Upload button.

However, if Agreements office staff are going to create the first draft of the agreement, check the First draft to be generated internally? box instead. Agreements office staff will generate or upload a draft by running the Generate Agreement activity.

If you upload a draft here and Agreements office staff subsequently generate or upload a draft, their document will automatically replace the one you uploaded on this page.

Type a short name for the agreement. As a guideline, keep it shorter than 50 characters.

This text appears throughout the system as the agreement name, for example, in My Inbox. This will be automatically generated if left blank and may be changed later.

Add CONTR: before the name of the agreement.  This alerts Contracting that this is a matter they need to address.

Select the appropriate agreement type from the dropdown menu.  Hoover over each type for more information as needed. Also, include a description of the agreement type.

Click +Add to include any supporting documents

Indicate only if:

1. There is a date the Sponsor has specifically required the NDA to be completed by.
2. There is a scheduled meeting with the Sponsor in which Confidential Information is intended to be exchanged.

Assign Owner

1. Click on the Unassigned activity in the Dashboard.

2. Open the agreement.

3. Assign Owner activity.  Whoever is assigned also needs to be assigned as the Primary Contact.

4. Once finished, click OK.

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