Create a Subaward Budget
This page covers the processes and procedures for creating a Subaward Budget.

General Information
If there is an subaward, the PI should include this information in the Funding Proposal Smartform “Additional Proposal Information” additional information or budget request fields. This information could also be communicated to the Specialist via email.
PreAward will use the Checklist for Subrecipient Proposal Documentation to initiate communication and document requests from all Subawards.
- Checklist to Determine Subrecipient or Contractor
- Subrecipient Entity Profile Decision Guide
- Subrecipient Letter of Intent
- Subrecipient Foreign Subrecipient Letter of Intent Template
- Subrecipient Entity Profile
For proposals being submitted system-to-system, an R&R budget form can be downloaded from the SF424 link. Once completed, the R&R subaward budget will then be imported here. Multiple subawards will be entered with this action. Relevant information and costs will be extracted by the system.
For non-system-to-system proposals, All costs will be captured in a single budget table as per-period direct and indirect totals.
After completing the form for a subaward, select the Subawards tab from the Budget Workspace to edit.
Only those subawards selected to Include in consolidated budgets will be included in the final submission.
To Create a Subaward Budget

Select the Budget to which the Subaward will be added from the Budgets Tab of the Funding Proposal Workspace.

The Budget Workspace will open, Click Create Subaward from the Actions list.
Subaward Budget Information

Type a descriptive name for this subaward budget, identifying the subawardee.

Select the name of the subawardee. If the subaward is not listed or there are multiple organizations with the same or similar names, contact Pre-Award. Pre-Award will either request a new sponsor to be set up or use the Organization Table Custom Report.

The Principal Investigator responsible for the primary budget.

Complete the form for the PI at the subawardee organization.
Information entered here for the subawardee PI will not populate the SF424, the subawardee information will need to be manually added to the personnel page of the SmartForm.

Choose how to capture budget data for this subaward:
Per Period Direct and Indirect totals: All costs are captured in a single budget table as per-period direct and indirect totals.
SF424 Subaward Import: Upload the subawardee’s budget totals from a completed SF424 PDF form. (Form the SF424 Subaward Import page, which appears later in the SmartForm.)

Select Yes to include this subaward budget in the final application budget that is to be submitted to the sponsor. Select No if this budget should be excluded from the final application budget.

By default, Grants includes the first $25,000 of subaward budgets in the cost base for calculating F&A costs for the primary budget. However, this value can be changed.
If the project involves two subawards to the same institution, and will charge F&A costs on only one, leave the default F&A contribution limit at $25,000 in one subaward budget, and zero it out in the other one.
This question appears only if the cost base type selected in the parent budget is “MTDC.”
Select Continue to proceed.
If Subward Budget Import is Chosen
SF424 Subaward Import
For proposals being submitted system-to-system, an R&R budget form can be downloaded from the SF424 link. Once completed, the R&R subaward budget will then be imported here.
If uploading an SF424 Subaward Budget, the Budget Form must first be downloaded from the SF424 link.
Follow the instructions provided on Download R&R Subaward Budget form.
This file should be sent to the Subaward via email for completion.

Upload the file.
Relevant information and costs will be extracted by the system.
If Per Period Direct and Indirect Total is Chosen

Additional Subawardee Personnel may be entered here. Complete the form for each individual.
Personnel entered here will not populate the non-institutional key personnel field of the SmartForm. A separate entry on the Personnel page of the SmartForm will be required.
Per Period Cost Totals

Complete the form for each period.
Subaward Cost Share (if applicable)
Cost Share from Subawards will be documented on a Purdue Cost Share Budget.

Add a General Cost Type
Select “Other” from the General Cost Type drop down.
Enter the amount of Cost Share being provided by the Subaward.
In the Description, include “subaward cost share with the Entity Name”
Do not apply inflation to allow editing for each year. Select “No” for Include in indirect calculations to prevent F&A from calculating on this cost.
Upload any relevant subaward documents. Documents loaded within the subaward budget module are not visible on the Attachments tab of the Funding Proposal Workspace.
Pre-Award will ensure that all final documents are uploaded prior to proposal submission.
All Subaward Documents are to be uploaded to the “Add Attachments” activity of the Funding Proposal workspace. See the Document Management instructions for File Name requirements. Only the SF424 Budget will be uploaded here if using S2S.
Attachments added here will NOT propagate to the SF424.
Select Finish. The Subaward budget is now complete.
If a proposal includes multiple Subawards, return to the Budget Workspace to add each one.
Creating Additional Budgets
A funding proposal can have multiple budgets associated with it. Create an additional budget, as either a new budget or copy a previous version. Multiple budgets may be needed for reasons such as:
- Different F&A rates such as on and off campus, research and other sponsored program activities, USDA subawards
- Separate budgets by Investigator
- Separate budgets by Unit
- Task or Milestone requirements
- Versioning of budgets for Investigator review.
- Revising budgets during JIT submission
Each additional budget will appear in the Budgets tab of the Funding Proposal Workspace. Only those budgets marked “Yes” for Include in Consolidated Budgets on the General Budget Information page will reflect in the overall Financials tab.

To create a new budget, navigate to the Funding Proposal Workspace. Select Create Additional Budget from the Activity list.

In the “Create Additional Budget” window, enter a Budget title to distinguish this budget from other versions. Select the PI responsible for this budget. Select OK.
A new budget Smartform will appear. Complete the pages for this budget as detailed above.
This new budget will now be listed on the Budget tab of the Funding Proposal Smartform.
Copy Budget
To copy an existing budget, Select the budget to copy and navigate to the Budget Workspace. This activity may be used to create a similar budget version. Select Copy Budget from the Activity list.

In the Make a Copy window.

Enter a new budget name to distinguish this budget from other versions. Select OK.

To Edit the Budget Copy, navigate to the History tab of the copied budget or back to the Funding Proposal Workspace.

From the History tab of the copied budget, the Made A Copy Activity is shown. Click on budget number to navigate to the new copy. Edit this new version.

From the Funding Proposal Workspace, select the new budget name from the Budget tab. Edit this new version.
Subaward Export 424 (Purdue as Subaward to another entity)
When Purdue is an indirect awardee (also known as a subrecipient) through some other institution, the system can generate the required Grants.Gov subaward budget form. This form will be sent to the lead institution to be uploaded to the submission package.
Export a Subaward Budget to a PDF Form
Before you can export a subaward budget to a form, you must first ensure the funding proposal specifies both the Direct Sponsor (the primary awardee that is granting your institution a subaward), and the Prime Sponsor (the Federal agency that published the original Funding Opportunity Announcement). Also, while not a technical requirement, it is assumed financial data has been entered in the funding proposal’s budget.
To export a subaward to a PDF form

From the funding proposal workspace, click Export Budget to Subaward PDF. (If this activity is not listed in the workspace, verify that both the Direct Sponsor and the Prime Sponsor in the funding proposal have been specified.)

On the resulting dialog box, click OK.
A success message indicates the PDF form has been created.

To view or download the filled-out form, on the History tab, click Subaward Budget Export.pdf.
Verify the form is complete prior to sending to the lead institution.
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